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Leaders Of Jining Customs Visit China Coal Group To Guide The Work

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On the afternoon of July 26, Liu Guang, Chief of the Enterprise Management Section of Jining Customs, and Tian Xiaolin, General Manager of Jining Branch of China Inspection Group Shandong Branch, visit China Coal Group to give guidance on the development of cross-border e-commerce of the group. Li Zhenbo, General Manager of Informatization of China Coal Group and General Manager of China Transport Group, Guan Chenghui, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Group, Zhang Xing, General Manager of the Group's Cross-border E-commerce Company and Deputy General Manager of China Transport Group, and Zhang Wen, General Manager of the Group's Cross-border E-commerce Company reception.

Accompanied by Mr. Li, the visiting leaders visit China Coal Group's intelligent achievement exhibition hall, intelligent equipment exhibition hall, cross-border e-commerce company, e-commerce company, network information company, software technology company, etc. During the visit, Mr. Li gave a brief introduction to the overall development and business segments of China Coal Group, and focused on reporting our group's efforts in cross-border e-commerce, cross-border e-commerce platform operation, cross-border e-commerce talent training and other fields. The development situation has been well received by visiting leaders.

At the symposium, Li Zhenbo, General Manager of the group's information technology and general manager of China Transport Group, welcomes the arrival of the visiting leaders, thanks Jining Customs for their long-term care and support, and introduces in detail the production and operation of our company, future development plans and progress. Regarding the export operation, Mr. Li says that as a member of the United Nations Global Compact and a key cross-border e-commerce enterprise in Shandong Province, the Group actively responds to the national policy of exporting foreign exchange, accelerate the development of new forms of foreign trade and new models, and formulate the Group's "Cross-border E-commerce Five Relying on industrial and resource advantages, vigorously expand overseas markets and develop cross-border e-commerce, and successively establish China Coal Import and Export Corporation in the Cayman Islands of the United Kingdom, California, Hong Kong, and Hainan, and establish machinery and equipment import and export companies. China Coal Group's international trade system with export as the core and resources and market as the elements. It has formulated an international brand strategy, successively registered the "China Coal" trademark in 38 countries and regions around the world, and obtained the right to use the China Coal trademark in 27 EU member states and the United Kingdom, Taiwan, Macau and Singapore, which has effectively developed the international market. The market has promoted the rapid development of the Group's cross-border e-commerce. At present, various types of machinery products of China Coal Group sell well in 165 countries and regions around the world. The group has been rated as a national cross-border e-commerce integrated innovation demonstration enterprise, a key cross-border e-commerce enterprise in Shandong Province, and an e-commerce demonstration enterprise in Shandong Province.

Through the visit, Section Chief Liu highly recognizes the overall import and export operation of our group and the operation of the cross-border e-commerce platform. Section Chief Liu points out that China Coal Group, as a member of the United Nations Global Compact, and cross-border e-commerce in Shandong Province As a key enterprise, China Coal Group has been at the forefront of most cross-border e-commerce companies in cross-border e-commerce, and has put forward targeted professional suggestions and opinions. He hopes that China Coal Group will continue to work hard and seize opportunities, to give full play to the leading role of leading enterprises and promote the development of Jining's foreign trade industry in a better direction. Jining Customs will also increase support, strengthen publicity and guidance, do a good job in guarantee services, and strive to create an efficient and convenient customs clearance environment. In order to promote the local economy Make greater contributions to high-quality social development.

Mr. Li says that he would like to thank the leaders of Jining Customs for their care and support for China Coal's development over the years. In the next step, we will make full use of the group's unique advantages in the development of cross-border e-commerce, keep up with the situation of international economic globalization, seize the opportunities of the times and expand Global market, further increase overseas market expansion, expand the scale of foreign trade import and export, promote the group's foreign trade import and export development to a new level, and make more positive contributions to the development of Jining and even Shandong's foreign trade!

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Shandong China Coal Mining Support Equipment Co., Ltd. was founded in the 1990s with more than 1100 employees. It now has 53 professional companies, 3 Hong Kong companies, 1 British Cayman company and 1 American company. It is a large diversified industrial group integrating intelligent equipment manufacturing, e-commerce, software research and development and intelligent logistics, which is cultivated and supported by the Ministry of industry and information technology, the Ministry of Commerce, the development and Reform Commission, Shandong Province and Jining City.
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Address:No.11, North of Kaiyuan Road, High-tech Zone, Jining City, Shandong Province, China